====== Layouts.yml ======
已于 ''2022.03.09 00:48'' 最后合并至服务器
# The default layouts are in the Message.yml file!
# Message-Layouts can not only be used for bans but also for mutes and warns
# Currently available variables:
# %OPERATOR% - The user who dealt the punishment.
# %REASON% - Reason for punishment.
# %PREFIX% - Prefix set in Message.yml.
# %DURATION% - Amount of time left before a punishment expires (will be -1 for permanent punishments).
# %DATE% - Date punishment was issued on.
# %ID% - Displays the punishment ID (i.e. first punishment = 0, second punishment = 1, third punishment = 2, etc.)
# %HEXID% - Displays the punishment ID in base 16.
# For warns you have also the variable %COUNT% which will be
# replaced with the current amount of warns the player already received
# Example usage: /ban Leoko @ExampleLayout
- '&7此账号已被服务器封禁'
- '&c&o操作者:%OPERATOR%'
- '&7'
- "&c此账号因涉嫌使用违反《玩家守则》"
- "&c的作弊程序而被封禁!"
- "&c封禁时间 &8» &7%DATE%"
- "&c解除时间 &8» &7%DURATION%"
- '&7'
- '&8你可以通过以下方式进行申述:'
- "&e联系服主 &8» &c&nQQ 3058827925"
- "&e自助申诉 &8» &c&ncoming s∞n"
- '%PREFIX% &7Banned for Hacking'
- '&c&oBanned by %OPERATOR%'
- '&7'
- "&cIt seems like you are using a"
- "&chacked client please disable it!"
- "&cUnban in &8» &7%DURATION%"
- '&7'
- '&8Unban application in TS or forum'
- "&eTS-Ip &8» &c&ncoming soon"
- "&eForum &8» &c&ncoming soon"
- '%PREFIX% &7Banned for offensive language'
- '&7'
- "&cWe don't tolerate swearing on our server!"
- "&cYou got banned for the word '%REASON%'" # You can even use reasons in message layouts
# You would use this time-layout for example like this: "/tempban Leoko #ExampleLayout Hacking in FFA"
# Or with "/tempwarn Leoko #ExampleLayout Advertising" or even "/tempwarn Leoko #ExampleLayout No capslock please"
# You can also combine this with MessageLayouts like "/tempban Leoko #ExampleLayout @Hacking"
- '30m'
- '2h'
- '1d'
- '1w'
- '1mo'
- '2mo'
- '4mo'
- 'perma'