# # # This is the messsages file. # You can change any messages that are in this file # # If you want to reset a message back to the default, # delete the entire line the message is on and restart the server. # # arenaeditor: create: already-exists: '&cThat arena already exists!' creating: must-pick-a-name: |- &cYou must name your arena! &9The arena name must not have any spaces. &aIf you have not already, make sure to read the setup guide: https://gitlab.com/ajg0702/ajtntrun/wikis/creating-an-arena success: '&aArena {ARENA} successfully created! Now add positions with /{CMD} arena {ARENA}' set: lobby: '&aLobby position set!' maxplayers: '&aMax player count set!' pos1: '&aFirst position set!' pos2: '&aSecond position set!' startloc: '&aStarting position set!' delete: arena-not-found: '&cCould not find an arena with that name. Make sure the capitals match!' no-arena: '&cPlease enter an arena to remove' success: '&aSuccessfully deleted arena {ARENA}!' saved: success: '&aArena saved!' fail: '&cAn error occured while trying to save the arena. &9Check the console for more details.' cant-find-in-queue: |- &cCould not find that arena in the editing queue! &aTry creating an arena with &2/{CMD} createarena&a, or load an existing arena with &2/{CMD} edit import: success: '&aPut arena {ARENA} into the edit queue. &9To edit it, use /{CMD} arena {ARENA}' not-enough-args: '&cEnter an arena name!' could-not-find: '&cCould not find an arena with that name. Make sure the caps match too!' more-args: maxplayers: '&cPlease give a number!' not-enough-positions: |- &cAll positions have not been set! &9Make sure you have set 'pos1', 'pos2', and 'startloc'. The 'lobby' and 'maxplayers' settings are optional. must-put-a-name: '&cPlease enter a name of an arena as the next argument.' joining: no-args: '&cYou must give an arena name to join!' no-arena: '&cThat arena could not be found.&9 Did you spell it correctly?' arena-full: '&cThat arena is full!' lobby-not-set: '&cThe main lobby has not been set yet! &9Set it using /tntrun setlobby' already-in: '&cYou are already in an arena!' signs: states: PREGAME: '&ePre-Game' INITIALIZING: '&cInitializing' RESETTING: '&cResetting' STARTING: '&aStarting' ENDING: '&eEnding' WAITING: '&aWaiting' INGAME: '&eIn-Game' add: could-not-find: '&cCould not find an arena with the name {ARENA}.' success: '&aSuccessfully added sign for arena {ARENA}!' not-a-sign: '&cThe block you are looking at is not a sign!' need-an-arena: '&cYou need to specify an arena!' already-added: '&cThat sign is already an arena sign!' list: none: '&7None' remove: success: '&aSuccessfully removed the sign you are looking at!' not-arenasign: '&cThe sign you are looking at is not an arena sign!' not-a-sign: '&cThe block you are looking at is not a sign!' lines: '1': '&e&laj&c&lTNT&b&lRun' '2': '&b{NAME}' '3': '{STATE}' '4': '&9{PLAYERS}/{MAX} player{s}' arena: end: winner: "&7&m \n\n&r&a{WINNER} &2wins!\n\n&7&m " nobody: '&7Nobody' ingame: eliminate: '&c{PLAYER} eliminated!' air: warn: '&cCareful! &aIf you are over air for much longer, you may be &celiminated!' eliminate: '&cYou were eliminated for being on top of air for too long!' spread-out: '&cSpread out!&a The pressure plates will activate in 10 seconds!' game-ended: '&aGame ended!' pregame: platecountdown: '&cPressure plates activating in {TIME} seconds!' still-resetting: '&cThat arena is currently resetting. Try again later. ({PERCENT}% done)' teleported-to-lobby: '&aThe game has ended!&9 You have been teleported to the lobby.' lobby: bossbar: '&aStarting in &2{TIME} &aseconds' canceled: '&cThe countdown was canceled because there is not enough players.' need-more-players: '&9We need {AMOUNT} more player{s} to start the game!' countdown: '&aThe game is starting in {TIME} seconds!' join: '&a+ &7{PLAYER} joined the arena! &7(&e{PLAYERS}&7/&e{MAX}&7)' leave: '&c- &7{PLAYER} left the arena! &7(&e{PLAYERS}&7/&e{MAX}&7)' must-be-ingame: '&cYou must be in-game to do this!' stats: played: '&b{NUM} &9games played' cannot-find-player: '&cCannot find that player!' wins: '&b{NUM} &9wins' losses: '&b{NUM} &9losses' header: own: '&7&m &r &9Your stats &7&m &r' other: '&7&m &r &9{NAME}''s stats &7&m &r' mainlobby: success: '&aSuccessfully set the main lobby!' fail: '&cAn error occured while trying to set the main lobby. Check the console for more info.' forcestart: success: '&aStarted the arena {ARENA}' fail: not-waiting: '&cThat game is not in a state that is able to be skipped!' noarena: '&cPlease enter an arena name to start.' arena-not-found: '&cCould not find the arena {ARENA}' editing: none: '&7Not currently editing any arenas.' noperm: '&cYou do not have permission to perform this action!' reloaded: '&aReloaded the config and messages!' leaving: left: '&aYou left the game!' not-in: '&cYou are not in a game!' command-blocked: '&cYou cannot execute this command while in a game!' list: none: '&7No arenas are set up yet! &9Try &b/tntrun createarena'