# This is the BetterPortals configuration file # Many of these values should not be changed unless you know what you are doing # WARNING: The portal effect size is the biggest performance sink, higher numbers can cause tons of lag! # The number of blocks that the portal effect will render # to the up, down, forwards and backwards of the portal # (the total width of the effect is twice this) portalEffectSizeXZ: 13 # Same as the previous, but up/down instead portalEffectSizeY: 7 # The closest portal in this range will be activated # All others are discarded portalActivationDistance: 20 portalBlockUpdateInterval: 20 # How often the portal will re-check for the blocks around it enableEntitySupport: true entityCheckInterval: 5 # How often the portal will check for surrounding entities # Setting this to true will allow you to see straight through a portal # NOTE: This generally makes it look a bit less convincing, since it's easier to see when the player's client doesn't quite keep up hidePortalBlocks: false # How close portals can spawn to each other, in blocks minimumPortalSpawnDistance: 6 enableDebugLogging: false # Setting this to true will make the plugin print much more detailed info about what is happenning. Useful for finding issues. # The maximum size of portals in blocks. The x is width and y is height # This should never be larger than twice the portal effect size # Larger portals tend to look less good, so the default values work well maxPortalSize: x: 5 y: 5 # Stores the offset from the corners of the portal where the collision box will be # This collision box is how the portal effect is calculated # (if the ray from the player's view to the block being tested intersects this box it will be considered visible through the portal) # The default values are tuned to work fairly well, so I don't recommend changing these portalCollisionBox: x: 0.38 y: 0.38 z: 0.25 # Worlds where the plugin will fall back to the vanilla portal logic disabledWorlds: - 'some_world' # How long the plugin waits before rendering portals after switching worlds. # Useful to deal with lag that some players get just after switching worlds. # Set to 0 to disable waitTimeAfterSwitchingWorlds: 1 teleportCooldown: 10 # How long to wait before a player can go back after going through a portal (0 to disable) # Stores the links between worlds. By default this links the overworld and the nether with portals # There are two links for the overworld and the nether - one for each way. # This is to allow one way links between dimensions # The x and z coordinates of the portals are multiplied by the coordinateRescalingFactor to spawn portals # The min and max spawn y limit where portals can spawn - for instance you should not be able to spawn portals above the nether ceiling worldConnections: '0': originWorld: 'world' destinationWorld: 'world_nether' minSpawnY: 5 maxSpawnY: 122 coordinateRescalingFactor: 0.125 '1': originWorld: 'world_nether' destinationWorld: 'world' minSpawnY: 5 maxSpawnY: 250 coordinateRescalingFactor: 8.0 # Allows for setting a proxy server to allow cross-server portals proxy: enableProxy: false proxyAddress: "" proxyPort: 25510 key: "" # A UUID used for encrypted communication with the proxy. You should set this to the UUID in the BetterPortals config on the bungee side. reconnectionDelay: 300 # Delay in ticks before attempting a reconnection to the proxy if disconnected (default 30 seconds) Set to -1 to disable. # Will randomly swap some blocks between the two ends of a nether portal when it's made, makes a cool effect. dimensionBlend: enable: false fallOffRate: 0.15 # Low values mean a greater distance chatMessages: prefix: "&7[&aBetterPortals&7]&a " notEnoughPerms: "You do not have permission to use this command!" mustBePlayer: "You must be a player to use this command" mustMakeSelection: "You must make a selection first" invalidSelection: "Invalid selection! Portal selections must be on the two corners of a portal" mustSelectBothSides: "You must select both sides of a portal first. For info, run /bp help" mustSelectOrigin: "You must select the origin of the portal on this server" wrongNumberOfArgs: "Wrong number of arguments. Run /bp help for help." invalidArgs: "One of your arguments was invalid. Run /bp help for help." differentSizes: "The origin and destination portal must be of the same size" noPortalCloseEnough: "No portal close enough found" portalNotOwnedByPlayer: "You do not have permission to remove portals created by other people" unknownCommand: "Unknown Command. For help, run /bp help" proxyDisabled: "Unable to reconnect to the proxy: it is not enabled!" alreadyConnected: "Unable to reconnect to the proxy: the server is already connected!" horizontalIssues: "Warning: horizontal portals with different origin/destination directions can cause issues with block rotations - not all blocks can be rotated in every direction" reload: "Reloaded plugin" originPortalSet: "Origin portal set" destPortalSet: "Destination portal set" portalsLinked: "Portals linked successfully" portalRemoved: "Portal removed" startedReconnection: "Started reconnecting to the proxy. See console for details." setPosA: "Set position A" setPosB: "Set position B" portalWandName: "&aPortal Wand"