====== 配置文件与语言文件 ====== ===== config.json ===== 这是一份自动生成的config.yml 插件版本号:''1.4'' { "items": [], "blocks": [], "databaseConfig": { "host": "localhost", "database": "ItemMods", "username": "root", "password": "", "port": 3306, "active": false } } ===== translations.json ===== 这是一份自动生成的translations.json 插件版本号:''1.4'' { "plugin": { "loading": "§eItemMods §7» §eLoading plugin...", "loaded": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully loaded plugin!", "unloading": "§eItemMods §7» §eUnloading plugin...", "unloaded": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully unloaded plugin!", "compatible": "§eItemMods §7» §6This plugin isn't compactible with your version!" }, "api": { "register": "§eItemMods §7» §aRegistered new addon §3{0}§a!", "unregister": "§eItemMods §7» §aUnregistered addon §3{0}§a!" }, "addon": { "name": "ItemMods", "templates": { "item": { "block_set": { "name": "Block set template", "icon": { "material": "GRASS_BLOCK", "name": "§eBlock set template", "lore": [ "", "§7Set blocks by right clicking with items" ] }, "main-icon": { "has": { "material": "GRASS_BLOCK", "name": "§eBlock set template", "lore": [ "§7Current block: §3{0}", "" ] }, "null": { "material": "GRASS_BLOCK", "name": "§eBlock set template", "lore": [ "§cNo block given!", "" ] } } } } }, "icon": { "material": "BEACON", "name": "§6§lItemMods", "lore": [ "", "§7Essential features from itemmods" ] } }, "gui": { "choose": { "block": { "config": { "title": "§eItemMods §7» §6Choose blockconfig §f{0}/{1}", "first": { "material": "BLAZE_ROD", "name": "§eFirst page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the first page!" }, "previous": { "material": "ARROW", "name": "§ePrevious page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the first page!" }, "next": { "material": "ARROW", "name": "§eNext page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the last page!" }, "last": { "material": "BLAZE_ROD", "name": "§eLast page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the last page!" }, "search": { "material": "COMPASS", "name": "§eSearch", "lore": [ "§3{0}", "", "§7Left click » Search", "§7Right click » Reset search", "§7Drop » Refresh" ], "message": "§eItemMods §7» §ePlease enter the search input! Cancel with a punch in the air!", "cancel": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou successfully cancel the search", "reset": "§eItemMods §7» §aYou successfully reset the filter!", "refresh": "§eItemMods §7» §aYou successfully refresh the list!" }, "addon": { "noconfig": "§eItemMods §7» §cThere is no config for this addon!" }, "placeholder": { "material": "BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE", "name": "§7", "lore": [] }, "back": { "material": "REDSTONE", "name": "§eBack", "lore": [] }, "config": { "material": "GRASS_BLOCK", "name": "§3{1}", "lore": [ "§7{2}" ] } } }, "item": { "config": { "title": "§eItemMods §7» §6Choose itemconfig §f{0}/{1}", "first": { "material": "BLAZE_ROD", "name": "§eFirst page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the first page!" }, "previous": { "material": "ARROW", "name": "§ePrevious page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the first page!" }, "next": { "material": "ARROW", "name": "§eNext page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the last page!" }, "last": { "material": "BLAZE_ROD", "name": "§eLast page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the last page!" }, "search": { "material": "COMPASS", "name": "§eSearch", "lore": [ "§3{0}", "", "§7Left click » Search", "§7Right click » Reset search", "§7Drop » Refresh" ], "message": "§eItemMods §7» §ePlease enter the search input! Cancel with a punch in the air!", "cancel": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou successfully cancel the search", "reset": "§eItemMods §7» §aYou successfully reset the filter!", "refresh": "§eItemMods §7» §aYou successfully refresh the list!" }, "addon": { "noconfig": "§eItemMods §7» §cThere is no config for this addon!" }, "placeholder": { "material": "BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE", "name": "§7", "lore": [] }, "back": { "material": "REDSTONE", "name": "§eBack", "lore": [] } }, "addon": { "title": "§eBlock #{0} §7» §6Addons §f{1}/{2}", "first": { "material": "BLAZE_ROD", "name": "§eFirst page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the first page!" }, "previous": { "material": "ARROW", "name": "§ePrevious page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the first page!" }, "next": { "material": "ARROW", "name": "§eNext page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the last page!" }, "last": { "material": "BLAZE_ROD", "name": "§eLast page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the last page!" }, "search": { "material": "COMPASS", "name": "§eSearch", "lore": [ "§3{0}", "", "§7Left click » Search", "§7Right click » Reset search", "§7Drop » Refresh" ], "message": "§eItemMods §7» §ePlease enter the search input! Cancel with a punch in the air!", "cancel": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou successfully cancel the search", "reset": "§eItemMods §7» §aYou successfully reset the filter!", "refresh": "§eItemMods §7» §aYou successfully refresh the list!" }, "addon": { "noconfig": "§eItemMods §7» §cThere is no config for this addon!" }, "placeholder": { "material": "BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE", "name": "§7", "lore": [] }, "back": { "material": "REDSTONE", "name": "§eBack", "lore": [] } }, "template": { "title": "§eAddon #{1} §7» §6Templates §f{3}/{4}", "first": { "material": "BLAZE_ROD", "name": "§eFirst page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the first page!" }, "previous": { "material": "ARROW", "name": "§ePrevious page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the first page!" }, "next": { "material": "ARROW", "name": "§eNext page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the last page!" }, "last": { "material": "BLAZE_ROD", "name": "§eLast page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the last page!" }, "search": { "material": "COMPASS", "name": "§eSearch", "lore": [ "§3{0}", "", "§7Left click » Search", "§7Right click » Reset search", "§7Drop » Refresh" ], "message": "§eItemMods §7» §ePlease enter the search input! Cancel with a punch in the air!", "cancel": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou successfully cancel the search", "reset": "§eItemMods §7» §aYou successfully reset the filter!", "refresh": "§eItemMods §7» §aYou successfully refresh the list!" }, "placeholder": { "material": "BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE", "name": "§7", "lore": [] }, "back": { "material": "REDSTONE", "name": "§eBack", "lore": [] }, "template": { "not_compatible": "§eItemMods §7» §cThis template is not compactible with your item!" } } } }, "addons": { "title": "§eItemMods §7» §6Addons §f{0}/{1}", "first": { "material": "BLAZE_ROD", "name": "§eFirst page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the first page!" }, "previous": { "material": "ARROW", "name": "§ePrevious page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the first page!" }, "next": { "material": "ARROW", "name": "§eNext page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the last page!" }, "last": { "material": "BLAZE_ROD", "name": "§eLast page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the last page!" }, "search": { "material": "COMPASS", "name": "§eSearch", "lore": [ "§3{0}", "", "§7Left click » Search", "§7Right click » Reset search", "§7Drop » Refresh" ], "message": "§eItemMods §7» §ePlease enter the search input! Cancel with a punch in the air!", "cancel": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou successfully cancel the search", "reset": "§eItemMods §7» §aYou successfully reset the filter!", "refresh": "§eItemMods §7» §aYou successfully refresh the list!" }, "addon": { "noconfig": "§eItemMods §7» §cThere is no config for this addon!" }, "placeholder": { "material": "BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE", "name": "§7", "lore": [] }, "back": { "material": "REDSTONE", "name": "§eBack", "lore": [] } }, "items": { "title": "§eItemMods §7» §6Items §f{0}/{1}", "first": { "material": "BLAZE_ROD", "name": "§eFirst page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the first page!" }, "previous": { "material": "ARROW", "name": "§ePrevious page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the first page!" }, "next": { "material": "ARROW", "name": "§eNext page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the last page!" }, "last": { "material": "BLAZE_ROD", "name": "§eLast page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the last page!" }, "search": { "material": "COMPASS", "name": "§eSearch", "lore": [ "§3{0}", "", "§7Left click » Search", "§7Right click » Reset search", "§7Drop » Refresh" ], "message": "§eItemMods §7» §ePlease enter the search input! Cancel with a punch in the air!", "cancel": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou successfully cancel the search", "reset": "§eItemMods §7» §aYou successfully reset the filter!", "refresh": "§eItemMods §7» §aYou successfully refresh the list!" }, "create": { "material": "KNOWLEDGE_BOOK", "name": "§eCreate", "lore": [ "", "§7Click to create a new item" ], "message": "§eItemMods §7» §ePlease enter the item name! Cancel with a punch in the air!", "cancel": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou successfully cancel the creation!", "success": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully created the item {0}!" }, "item": { "material": "DIAMOND", "name": "§e{0} §3#{1}", "lore": [ "", "§7Left click » Item settings", "§7Drop » Delete" ] }, "placeholder": { "material": "BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE", "name": "§7", "lore": [] }, "back": { "material": "REDSTONE", "name": "§eBack", "lore": [] } }, "drops": { "title": "§eBlock #{0} §7» §6Drops §f{1}/{2}", "first": { "material": "BLAZE_ROD", "name": "§eFirst page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the first page!" }, "previous": { "material": "ARROW", "name": "§ePrevious page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the first page!" }, "next": { "material": "ARROW", "name": "§eNext page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the last page!" }, "last": { "material": "BLAZE_ROD", "name": "§eLast page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the last page!" }, "search": { "material": "COMPASS", "name": "§eSearch", "lore": [ "§3{0}", "", "§7Left click » Search", "§7Right click » Reset search", "§7Drop » Refresh" ], "message": "§eItemMods §7» §ePlease enter the search input! Cancel with a punch in the air!", "cancel": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou successfully cancel the search", "reset": "§eItemMods §7» §aYou successfully reset the filter!", "refresh": "§eItemMods §7» §aYou successfully refresh the list!" }, "create": { "material": "KNOWLEDGE_BOOK", "name": "§eCreate", "lore": [ "", "§7Click to create a new item" ], "message": "§eItemMods §7» §ePlease drop the drop! Cancel with a punch in the air!", "cancel": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou successfully cancel the creation!", "success": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully created a new drop!" }, "drop": { "rarity": { "lore": [ "§7-----", "§7Rarity: {0}%", "", "§7Left click » + 1", "§7Right click » - 1", "§7Shift + Left click » + 5", "§7Shift + Right click » - 5", "§7Drop » = 100", "", "§7Middle click » Change to general editing" ], "success": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully set the rarity to §3{1}§a!" }, "general": { "fortune": [ "§7-----", "§7Fortune: §aYes", "", "§7Left click » Change item", "§7Right click » Get item", "§7Drop » Delete", "§7Middle click » Toggle fortune", "", "§7Middle click » Change to general editing" ], "nofortune": [ "§7-----", "§7Fortune: §cNo", "", "§7Left click » Change item", "§7Right click » Get item", "§7Drop » Delete", "§7Shift + Left click » Toggle fortune", "", "§7Middle click » Change to general editing" ], "delete": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully deleted the drop!", "give": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully give you the drop!" } }, "placeholder": { "material": "BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE", "name": "§7", "lore": [] }, "back": { "material": "REDSTONE", "name": "§eBack", "lore": [] } }, "database": { "back": { "material": "REDSTONE", "name": "§eBack", "lore": [] }, "host": { "material": "END_CRYSTAL", "name": "§eHost", "lore": [ "§7{0}", "", "§7Click here to set it!" ] }, "port": { "material": "SUNFLOWER", "name": "§ePort", "lore": [ "§7{0}", "", "§7Click here to set it!" ] }, "database": { "material": "DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR", "name": "§eDatabase", "lore": [ "§7{0}", "", "§7Click here to set it!" ] }, "username": { "material": "PLAYER_HEAD", "name": "§eUsername", "lore": [ "§7{0}", "", "§7Click here to set it!" ] }, "password": { "material": "ANVIL", "name": "§ePassword", "lore": [ "§7{0}", "", "§7Click here to set it!" ], "placeholder": "*" }, "active": { "yes": { "material": "GREEN_BANNER", "name": "§aActive", "lore": [ "§7{0}", "", "§7Click here to set it!" ], "placeholder": "*" } } }, "knowledge": { "title": "§eItemMods §7» §6Knowledge", "comingsoon": { "material": "BARRIER", "name": "§cComing soon", "lore": [ "", "§7You need the permission", "§7itemmods.admin", "§7to open the control panel!" ] } }, "main": { "title": "§eItemMods §6§l{0}", "reload": { "material": "PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS", "name": "§eReload plugin", "lore": [], "success": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully reloaded the plugin!" }, "items": { "material": "DIAMOND", "name": "§eItems", "lore": [ "", "§7Click to open the items list" ] }, "blocks": { "material": "GRASS_BLOCK", "name": "§eBlocks", "lore": [ "", "§7Click to open the blocks list" ] }, "knowledge": { "material": "KNOWLEDGE_BOOK", "name": "§eKnowledge book", "lore": [ "", "§7Click to open the knowledge gui" ] }, "addons": { "material": "BEACON", "name": "§eAddons", "lore": [ "", "§7Click to see all addons" ] } }, "item": { "title": "§eItemMods §7» §6Item #{1}", "name": { "material": "NAME_TAG", "name": "§eName", "lore": [ "§3{0}", "", "§7Click to set the name of the item" ], "success": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully set the name to §3{0}§a!", "message": "§eItemMods §7» §ePlease enter the name! Cancel with a punch in the air!", "cancel": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou successfully cancel the name!" }, "displayname": { "material": "BOOK", "name": "§eDisplay name", "lore": [ "§3{0}", "", "§7Click to set the display name of the item" ], "success": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully set the display name to §3{0}§a!", "message": "§eItemMods §7» §ePlease enter the display name! Cancel with a punch in the air!", "cancel": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou successfully cancel the display name!" }, "tag": { "material": "ANVIL", "name": "§eTag", "lore": [ "§3{0}", "", "§7Click to set the tag of the item" ], "success": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully set the tag to §3{0}§a!", "message": "§eItemMods §7» §ePlease enter the tag! Cancel with a punch in the air!", "cancel": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou successfully cancel the tag!" }, "back": { "material": "REDSTONE", "name": "§eBack", "lore": [] }, "item": { "null": { "material": "BARRIER", "name": "§cNo item", "lore": [ "§7Left click » Create a skull", "§7Drag an item here to set it to the item" ] } }, "creator": { "item": { "material": "CHEST", "name": "§eOpen item creator", "lore": [] }, "null": { "material": "CHEST", "name": "§cNo item for the item creator", "lore": [ "§7Set the item before trying to open the item creator!" ] } }, "get": { "material": "GOLD_NUGGET", "name": "§eGet", "lore": [ "§7Left click » Open give gui", "§7Shift + Left click or Middle click » Give item" ], "success": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully gave you the item!", "null": "§eItemMods §7» §cThere is no item!" }, "rename": { "yes": { "material": "ANVIL", "name": "§eRename", "lore": [ "§aTRUE", "§7Click to set it off" ], "success": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully set rename to §atrue§a!" }, "no": { "material": "ANVIL", "name": "§eRename", "lore": [ "§cFALSE", "§7Click to set it on" ], "success": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully set rename to §cfalse§a!" } }, "bonemeal": { "yes": { "material": "BONE_MEAL", "name": "§eBone meal", "lore": [ "§aTRUE", "", "§7Click to set it off", "§7Coming soon" ], "success": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully set bonemeal to §atrue§a!" }, "no": { "material": "BONE_MEAL", "name": "§eBone meal", "lore": [ "§cFALSE", "", "§7Click to set it on", "§7Coming soon" ], "success": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully set bonemeal to §cfalse§a!" } }, "armortype": { "material": "DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE", "name": "§eArmor type", "lore": [ ".§cComing soon" ], "success": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully set the armortype to §3{0}§a!" }, "foodlevel": { "yes": { "material": "COOKED_BEEF", "name": "§eFood level", "lore": [ "§7{0}", "", "Left click »" ] } }, "template": { "null": { "material": "ENDER_CHEST", "name": "§eTemplates", "lore": [ "", "§7Click here to set a item template" ] }, "has": [ "§7-----", "§7Left click » Configure", "§7Drop » Clear" ], "no-item": { "material": "ENDER_CHEST", "name": "§eTemplates", "lore": [ "", "§cYou need to set an item ", "§cbefore choosing a template!" ] } } }, "itemcreator": { "title": "§eItemMods §7» §6Item creator", "back": { "material": "REDSTONE", "name": "§eBack", "lore": [] }, "submit": { "material": "LIME_DYE", "name": "§eSubmit", "lore": [], "success": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully submit the item!" }, "placeholder": { "material": "BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE", "name": "§7", "lore": [] }, "displayname": { "material": "NAME_TAG", "name": "§eDisplay name", "lore": [ "§3{0}", "", "§7Left click » Set display name", "§7Right click » Remove display name" ], "success": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully set the display name to §3{0}§a!", "remove": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully removed the display name!", "message": "§eItemMods §7» §ePlease enter the displayname! Cancel with a punch in the air!", "cancel": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou successfully cancel the displayname!" }, "lore": { "material": "BOOK", "name": "§eLore", "lore": [ "{0}", "", "§7Left click » Add line", "§7Shift + Left click » Add empty line", "§7Right click » Remove last line", "§7Shift + Right click » Remove all lines", "§7Drop » Get lore" ], "success": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully add the lore line §3{0}§a!", "remove": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully removed latest lore line!", "empty": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully add a empty lore line!", "message": "§eItemMods §7» §ePlease enter a new lore line! Cancel with a punch in the air!", "cancel": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou successfully cancel it!", "get": "§eItemMods §7» §eThe lore: \n§5{0}", "delimiter": "§7 \r\n§5", "null": "§eItemMods §7» §cThere is no lore!" }, "nbt": { "material": "PAPER", "name": "§eNBT", "lore": [ "", "§7Click here to set the nbt of the item" ] }, "amount": { "material": "DIRT", "name": "§eAmount", "lore": [ "§3{0}", "", "§7Left click » + 1", "§7Right click » - 1", "§7Shift + Left click » + 5", "§7Shift + Right click » - 5", "§7Drop » = 1" ], "success": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully set the amount to §3{0}§a!" }, "custommodeldata": { "unavailable": { "material": "GOLD_NUGGET", "name": "§eCustom model data", "lore": [ "", "§cInvalid!", "§cYou need 1.14 or higher to use it!" ] }, "yes": { "material": "GOLD_NUGGET", "name": "§eCustom model data", "lore": [ "§3{0}", "", "§7Left click » +1", "§7Right click » -1", "§7Shift + Left click » +5", "§7Shift + Right click » -5", "§7Drop » Remove custom model data" ] }, "no": { "material": "GOLD_NUGGET", "name": "§eCustom model data", "lore": [ "§3No custom model data", "", "§7Click to add!" ] }, "success": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully set the custom model data to §3{0}§a!" }, "unbreakable": { "unbreakable": { "material": "BEDROCK", "name": "§aUnbreakable", "lore": [ "§7Click to toggle" ] }, "breakable": { "material": "BEDROCK", "name": "§cUnbreakable", "lore": [ "§7Click to toggle" ] } } }, "blocks": { "title": "§eItemMods §7» §6Blocks §f{0}/{1}", "first": { "material": "BLAZE_ROD", "name": "§eFirst page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the first page!" }, "previous": { "material": "ARROW", "name": "§ePrevious page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the first page!" }, "next": { "material": "ARROW", "name": "§eNext page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the last page!" }, "last": { "material": "BLAZE_ROD", "name": "§eLast page", "lore": [], "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou are already on the last page!" }, "search": { "material": "COMPASS", "name": "§eSearch", "lore": [ "§3{0}", "", "§7Left click » Search", "§7Right click » Reset search", "§7Drop » Refresh" ], "message": "§eItemMods §7» §ePlease enter the search input! Cancel with a punch in the air!", "cancel": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou successfully cancel the search", "reset": "§eItemMods §7» §aYou successfully reset the filter!", "refresh": "§eItemMods §7» §aYou successfully refresh the list!" }, "create": { "material": "KNOWLEDGE_BOOK", "name": "§eCreate", "lore": [ "", "§7Click to create a new block" ], "message": "§eItemMods §7» §ePlease enter the block name! Cancel with a punch in the air!", "cancel": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou successfully cancel the creation!", "success": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully created the block {0}!", "already": "§eItemMods §7» §cThere is already a block with this tag!" }, "block": { "material": "GRASS_BLOCK", "name": "§e{0} §3#{1}", "lore": [ "", "§7Left click » Item settings", "§7Drop » Delete" ] }, "placeholder": { "material": "BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE", "name": "§7", "lore": [] }, "back": { "material": "REDSTONE", "name": "§eBack", "lore": [] }, "delete": { "title": "§eItemMods §7» §6Delete #{1}", "yes": { "material": "GREEN_BANNER", "name": "§aYes", "lore": [ "", "§7Yes, delete §3{0} §3#{1}§7!" ], "success": "§eItemMods §7» §aYou successfully delete the block §3{0} §3#{1}§a!" }, "no": { "material": "RED_BANNER", "name": "§cNo", "lore": [ "", "§7No, cancel delete §3{0} §3#{1}§7!" ] } } }, "block": { "title": "§eItemMods §7» §6Block §3#{1}", "back": { "material": "REDSTONE", "name": "§eBack", "lore": [] }, "placeholder": { "material": "BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE", "name": " ", "lore": [] }, "name": { "material": "NAME_TAG", "name": "§eName", "lore": [ "§3{0}", "", "§7Click to set the name of the item" ], "success": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully set the name to §3{0}§a!", "message": "§eItemMods §7» §ePlease enter the name! Cancel with a punch in the air!", "cancel": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou successfully cancel the name!" }, "displayname": { "material": "BOOK", "name": "§eDisplay name", "lore": [ "§3{0}", "", "§7Click to set the display name of the item" ], "success": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully set the display name to §3{0}§a!", "message": "§eItemMods §7» §ePlease enter the display name! Cancel with a punch in the air!", "cancel": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou successfully cancel the display name!" }, "tag": { "material": "ANVIL", "name": "§eTag", "lore": [ "§3{0}", "", "§7Click to set the tag of the item" ], "success": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully set the tag to §3{0}§a!", "message": "§eItemMods §7» §ePlease enter the tag! Cancel with a punch in the air!", "cancel": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou successfully cancel the tag!" }, "item": { "no": { "material": "BARRIER", "name": "§cNo item", "lore": [ "", "§cNo reference item.", "", "§7This drops when you break a block with ", "§7silk touch or middle click in creative mode!", "", "§7Click here to set it!" ] }, "yes": [ "§7-----", "", "§7This drops when you break a block with ", "§7silk touch or middle click in creative mode!", "", "§7Left click » Set", "§7Drop » Delete" ] }, "creator": { "item": { "material": "CHEST", "name": "§eOpen item creator", "lore": [] }, "null": { "material": "CHEST", "name": "§cNo item for the item creator", "lore": [ "", "§7Set the item before trying to open the item creator!" ] } }, "template": { "null": { "material": "ENDER_CHEST", "name": "§eTemplates", "lore": [ "", "§7Click here to set a block template" ] }, "has": [ "§7-----", "§7Left click » Configure", "§7Drop » Clear" ], "no-block": { "material": "ENDER_CHEST", "name": "§eTemplates", "lore": [ "", "§cYou need to set a block or an armor stand ", "§cbefore choosing a template!" ] } }, "block": { "set": { "material": "GRASS_BLOCK", "name": "§eBlock", "lore": [ "§aSET", "§7Material: {0}", "", "§7Left click » Set the block", "§7Shift + Left click » Choose a template", "§7Drop » Remove block" ] }, "null": { "material": "GRASS_BLOCK", "name": "§eBlock", "lore": [ "§cNOT SET", "", "§7Left click » Set the block", "§7Shift + Left click » Choose a template", "§7Drop » Remove block" ] }, "success": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully set the block§a!", "remove": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully removed the block!", "message": "§eItemMods §7» §ePlease break the block! Cancel with a punch in the air!", "error": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou need to set a block entity or an armor stand as block!", "cancel": "§eItemMods §7» §cYou successfully cancel the block input!" }, "get": { "material": "GOLD_NUGGET", "name": "§eGet", "lore": [ "§7Open give gui", "§7Middle click » Give item" ], "success": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully gave you the item!", "null": "§eItemMods §7» §cThere is no item!" }, "move": { "yes": { "material": "PISTON", "name": "§eMove", "lore": [ "§aYES", "", "§7Click to set it to off!" ] }, "no": { "material": "PISTON", "name": "§eMove", "lore": [ "§cNO", "", "§7Click to set it to on!" ] } }, "drops": { "material": "DIAMOND_ORE", "name": "§eDrops", "lore": [ "", "§7Click here to see the drops list" ] }, "drop": { "yes": { "material": "EMERALD", "name": "§eNeed drop", "lore": [ "§aYES", "", "§7Click to set it to off!", "", "§7Configure if the drop only ", "§7drop when the basic block drops something" ] }, "no": { "material": "EMERALD", "name": "§eNeed drop", "lore": [ "§cNO", "", "§7Click to set it to on!", "", "§7Configure if the drop only ", "§7drop when the basic block drops something" ] } }, "default": { "material": "OAK_PLANKS", "name": "§eDefault Armor stand config", "lore": [ "", "§7Click here to open the configuration" ] }, "type": { "yes": { "name": "§aArmor stand", "material": "ARMOR_STAND", "lore": [ "§7Click here to turn it off!" ], "set": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully turn armorstand on!" }, "no": { "name": "§cArmor stand", "material": "ARMOR_STAND", "lore": [ "§7Click here to turn it on!" ], "set": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully turn armorstand off!" } }, "correct": { "YES": { "name": "§aSetup", "material": "GREEN_DYE", "lore": [ "§aEverything is correct!" ] }, "ENTITY": { "name": "§cSetup", "material": "BARRIER", "lore": [ "§cYou need to have an armor stand or a entity block!" ] }, "NO_BLOCK": { "name": "§cSetup", "material": "BARRIER", "lore": [ "§cYou have no block or armor stand configured!" ] } } }, "armorstand": { "title": "§eItemMods §7» Armor stand config", "cancel": { "material": "BARRIER", "name": "§eCancel", "lore": [ "", "§7Click here to discard the changes" ], "output": "§eItemMods » §aSuccessfully discard the changes!" }, "save": { "material": "GREEN_DYE", "name": "§eSave", "lore": [ "", "§7Click here to save the changes" ], "output": "§eItemMods » §aSuccessfully saved the changes!" }, "customname": { "visible": { "material": "ARMOR_STAND", "name": "§eCustom name", "lore": [ "§3{0}", "§aVISIBLE", "", "§7Left click » Set custom name", "§7Right click » Remove custom name", "§7Drop » Toggle visibility" ] }, "invisible": { "material": "ARMOR_STAND", "name": "§eCustom name", "lore": [ "§3{0}", "§cINVISIBLE", "", "§7Left click » Set custom name", "§7Right click » Remove custom name", "§7Drop » Toggle visibility" ] }, "success": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully set the custom name to §3{0}§a!", "message": "§eItemMods §7» §ePlease enter a custom name for the armor stand!", "cancel": "§eItemMods §7» §aYou successfully cancel it!", "remove": "§eItemMods §7» §aYou successfully removed the custom name!", "on": "§eItemMods §7» §aYou successfully turned the custom name visibility on!", "off": "§eItemMods §7» §aYou successfully turned the custom name visibility off!" }, "marker": { "yes": { "material": "MAP", "name": "§eMarker", "lore": [ "§aYES", "", "§7Click to set it to off!" ] }, "no": { "material": "MAP", "name": "§eMarker", "lore": [ "§cNO", "", "§7Click to set it to on!" ] } }, "invulnerable": { "yes": { "material": "TOTEM_OF_UNDYING", "name": "§eInvulnerable", "lore": [ "§aYES", "", "§7Click to set it to off!" ] }, "no": { "material": "TOTEM_OF_UNDYING", "name": "§eInvulnerable", "lore": [ "§cNO", "", "§7Click to set it to on!" ] } }, "helmet": { "view": { "material": "DIAMOND_HELMET", "name": "§eArmorStand §f- §6Helmet", "lore": [ "", "§7Click to get the item to the item", "§7Below you can see the helmet from the armor stand!" ] }, "null": { "material": "BARRIER", "name": "§cYou have no helmet set!", "lore": [ "", "§7Drag an item here to set the helmet!" ] } }, "chestplate": { "view": { "material": "DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE", "name": "§eArmorStand §f- §6Chestplate", "lore": [ "", "§7Click to get the item to the item", "§7Below you can see the chestplate from the armor stand!" ] }, "null": { "material": "BARRIER", "name": "§cYou have no chestplate set!", "lore": [ "", "§7Drag an item here to set the chestplate!" ] } }, "leggings": { "view": { "material": "DIAMOND_LEGGINGS", "name": "§eArmorStand §f- §6Leggings", "lore": [ "", "§7Click to get the item to the item", "§7Below you can see the leggings from the armor stand!" ] }, "null": { "material": "BARRIER", "name": "§cYou have no leggings set!", "lore": [ "", "§7Drag an item here to set the leggings!" ] } }, "boots": { "view": { "material": "DIAMOND_BOOTS", "name": "§eArmorStand §f- §6Boots", "lore": [ "", "§7Click to get the item to the item", "§7Below you can see the boots from the armor stand!" ] }, "null": { "material": "BARRIER", "name": "§cYou have no boots set!", "lore": [ "", "§7Drag an item here to set the boots!" ] } }, "mainhand": { "view": { "material": "DIAMOND_SWORD", "name": "§eArmorStand §f- §6Main hand", "lore": [ "", "§7Click to get the item to the item", "§7Below you can see the main hand from the armor stand!" ] }, "null": { "material": "BARRIER", "name": "§cYou have no main hand set!", "lore": [ "", "§7Drag an item here to set the main hand!" ] } }, "offhand": { "view": { "material": "SHIELD", "name": "§eArmorStand §f- §6Off hand", "lore": [ "", "§7Click to get the item to the item", "§7Below you can see the off hand from the armor stand!" ] }, "null": { "material": "BARRIER", "name": "§cYou have no off hand set!", "lore": [ "", "§7Drag an item here to set the off hand!" ] } }, "baseplate": { "yes": { "material": "STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE", "name": "§eBase plate", "lore": [ "§aYES", "", "§7Click to turn it off" ] }, "no": { "material": "STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE", "name": "§eBase plate", "lore": [ "§cNO", "", "§7Click to turn it on" ] } }, "invisible": { "yes": { "material": "GOLDEN_CARROT", "name": "§eInvisible", "lore": [ "§aYES", "", "§7Click to turn it off" ] }, "no": { "material": "GOLDEN_CARROT", "name": "§eInvisible", "lore": [ "§cNO", "", "§7Click to turn it on" ] } }, "small": { "yes": { "material": "SKELETON_SKULL", "name": "§eSmall", "lore": [ "§aYES", "", "§7Click to turn it off" ] }, "no": { "material": "SKELETON_SKULL", "name": "§eSmall", "lore": [ "§cNO", "", "§7Click to turn it on" ] } } }, "give": { "title": "§eItemMods §7» §6Give item", "back": { "material": "REDSTONE", "name": "§eBack", "lore": [] }, "info": { "material": "EMERALD", "name": "§bInformation", "lore": [ "§7Click on the item above with ", "", "§7Left click » + 1", "§7Shift + Left click » + 5", "§7Right click » - 1", "§7Shift + Right click » - 5", "§7Drop » = 1" ] }, "give": { "material": "GOLD_INGOT", "name": "§eGive", "lore": [] } } }, "event": { "rename": "§eItemMods §7» §cThis item cannot be renamed!" }, "command": { "base": { "usage": "§eItemMods §7» §cUsage: §3/itemmods§c!", "noplayer": "§eItemMods §7» §4This command is only for players!" }, "give": { "usage": "§eItemMods §7» §cUsage: §3/giveitem []§c!", "noplayer": "§eItemMods §7» §4This command is only for players!", "noitem": "§eItemMods §7» §4That is not a valid item!", "notnumber": "§eItemMods §7» §4That is not a number!", "success": "§eItemMods §7» §aSuccessfully gave you the item §3{0}§a!" } } }